Baby Size: 14.8"; Chinese Cabbage
Baby Weight: 2.5 lb
Well this was my first 'official' week of the third trimester and I must say with sadness that the fatigue is coming back. I feel like I hit a wall mid-morning, get a pick me up around lunch, then hit the wall again around 4 and I'm down for the count! I was tired a few weeks in the first trimester, so I'm hoping this will be temporary as well. I am getting wore out so's like I'm going another human in there or something :P I am also experiencing shortness of breath and I have gotten to where I can't breathe when I bend over to pick something up or put my shoes on. Kyle and I are bad people and eat supper in front of the TV...we have vowed to stop when we have kids and start eating at the table so only a few more weeks...anyway, before when I would sit on the couch I could set my plate on the coffee table and eat. I now have to set my plate on a pillow in my lap so I don't have to bend over!! Pitiful I'd think we'd make the switch over to the table now, but I'm holding out!! Our poor Molly can no longer look up at me while I eat and she sits under the table...she has to move to the side so she can see me and so I can see her...she thinks I forget she's there and won't give her anything if I don't 'see' her! Spoiled!! Oh well, I guess the third trimester may be my worst...can't complain though the other two we so very nice to me :)
Monday, March 26, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Today's Appt
Today I had my glucose test, an appointment, and got my Rh shot. The glucose test went ok; I won't know the results for a few days. The appointment went good! He said that it appears that my placenta has moved from my cervix and appears to be out of the way, but that it will ultimately be my primary doctor's call on how to normal OB/GYN is out for 6 weeks for shoulder surgery :) hopefully he'll have his shoulder in prime catching condition when Colton comes!! haha! So basically I have to wait until my doctor comes back April 13th to find out what he recommends. Which if he says all is good and we have no complications to worry about then we will proceed as normal and let Colton come when he's ready. Otherwise, if he recommends a c-section we will schedule it when he says we need to. Either way it doesn't matter to me, of course I would prefer a natural birth, but ultimately I want what is best and safest for Colton and I. So whatever my doctor says I will do! I have another appointment in 2 weeks with a different doctor...all the doctors are pitching in and covering his patients until he gets back...but I can't wait until he's back :) he's just awesome!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Bump-Date: Week 27
Baby Size: 14.5"; Head of Cauliflower
Baby Weight: 2-2.5 lb
This week was a very active wee for both me and Colton! I got the nursery started, painted, and the furniture assembled. All I really have left now is to decorate and change my mind 50 million times. :)
Colton has been extra active this week. His kicks/hits are getting stronger and more intense, but not painful unless he hits certain areas. I have also had some pains that I think are just stretching pains. It got pretty rough a couple of days, but nothing I couldn't handle! The belly seems to have halted on growth, but that's ok...means stretch marks will remain minimal!
Baby Weight: 2-2.5 lb
This week was a very active wee for both me and Colton! I got the nursery started, painted, and the furniture assembled. All I really have left now is to decorate and change my mind 50 million times. :)
Colton has been extra active this week. His kicks/hits are getting stronger and more intense, but not painful unless he hits certain areas. I have also had some pains that I think are just stretching pains. It got pretty rough a couple of days, but nothing I couldn't handle! The belly seems to have halted on growth, but that's ok...means stretch marks will remain minimal!
Please ignore the paint on my shorts...I had been touching up the nursery and those are my painting shorts :) |
Friday, March 16, 2012
2nd Ultrasound
Thursday I had my second ultrasound to check the location of the placenta again...hoping it moved out of the way! I was anxious thinking we would leave knowing where it was, but the tech said I have to wait until next week to get the 'official' report from the! I just want to know where it is and what the chances are of me needing a c-section...dang previa!
On a better note...we got to see Colton! This time he was much more cooperative, and we were able to get a profile shot of him :) Such a cutie if you ask me! My little brother...I say little he's 17 almost 18...went with me to town and we met Kyle at the appointment and he was able to go back with us and see the ultrasound. He said it was a little weird but cool too! I don't know if he really enjoyed it or not, but it meant a lot to me that he was there to see Colton :) Goodness has my little man grown so much since January!! He's so big, and we actually got a picture of him with his hand in his mouth, and could see his mouth moving and his eyes blinking. I told my mom about that, and she said it's amazing how much ultrasounds have advanced since my brother was born almost 18 years ago. June's coming up quick!!
On a better note...we got to see Colton! This time he was much more cooperative, and we were able to get a profile shot of him :) Such a cutie if you ask me! My little brother...I say little he's 17 almost 18...went with me to town and we met Kyle at the appointment and he was able to go back with us and see the ultrasound. He said it was a little weird but cool too! I don't know if he really enjoyed it or not, but it meant a lot to me that he was there to see Colton :) Goodness has my little man grown so much since January!! He's so big, and we actually got a picture of him with his hand in his mouth, and could see his mouth moving and his eyes blinking. I told my mom about that, and she said it's amazing how much ultrasounds have advanced since my brother was born almost 18 years ago. June's coming up quick!!
![]() |
Colton at 27 weeks 3/13/2012 |
Nursery: Day 4/5
So I was gun-ho at the beginning of the week and finally caught up with me and I got tired and wore out! This energizer bunny ran out of go go juice. Which is fine because it's giving me time to decide how I want the room laid out, and is giving me a chance to find decorations :) So no additional progress on the nursery. I was talking with my mom about the mirror on the dresser, and how I was trying to decide if I wanted to put a mirror up in the nursery or not. She made a comment about babies always playing with 'the other baby' in the mirror when they start noticing themselves...and....I've decided I want to keep the mirror on the dresser! I really didn't like it at first, but I've started trying to come up with ways to decorate it, and it's starting to grow on me a bit; so we shall see...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Nursery: Day 3
This morning I got up, cleaned up the painting supplies, picked up the drip clothes, put the face plates back, and did some minor touch ups on the ceiling and wall in a couple places. Then, I cleaned the carpets in our bedroom and Colton's room. I thought this would be relatively easy, which is was thanks to my parents letting me borrow their carpet cleaner...but it what surprised me was how disgusting the floor was!! The cleaner has a catch tank where all the dirty water goes, and it looked like chocolate milk! Nasty!! You don't realize how dirty it really is, and how much your vacuum misses until you use a steam cleaner...
After that, I gave it a few hours to dry (for the most part) and I hung the blinds back up and...drum roll please...put the crib together! Yep, I put the crib together...solo...ok I had some help...
It didn't take as long as I thought it would, only about 30-45 minutes. I could have used an extra set of hands, but I improvised and used the wall since Kyle was in the pasture plowing. It turned out super cute, and matches the dresser perfectly! I did manage to put a ding or two in it while assembling, but I think they can be touched up :)
After the crib was done, I moved the changing table and end table in, but didn't take pictures because I'm not sure where I'm putting them yet. I also finished the letters to hang on the wall too. I bought 6" letters at JoAnn's and painstakingly wrapped them in brown yarn. Never again...ok ok I say that, they are super cute so I may do other letters later
Way to turn my spring break ta'do list into a ta'done list.
Excuse the mirror on the's going bye bye |
After that, I gave it a few hours to dry (for the most part) and I hung the blinds back up and...drum roll please...put the crib together! Yep, I put the crib together...solo...ok I had some help...
Miss Molly made herself comfy on the packing from the crib and 'supervised' :) |
It didn't take as long as I thought it would, only about 30-45 minutes. I could have used an extra set of hands, but I improvised and used the wall since Kyle was in the pasture plowing. It turned out super cute, and matches the dresser perfectly! I did manage to put a ding or two in it while assembling, but I think they can be touched up :)
Ta-Da!! |
Way to turn my spring break ta'do list into a ta'done list.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Nursery: Day 2
Today was super productive and tiring! I got up this morning and headed to town. I started out at JoAnn's fabric store getting the "C" for Colton's name...I went last week and got all the other letters, but they were out of the "C". I ran to the mall and hit up a sale at Kohls; must say I didin't do too bad at all :) After a quick trip to Dollar General, I ended at Home Depot. I bought paint/supplies and special ordered a new rug for the living room. I've been looking for one, and for some reason this one stood out to me today...I'll post pics when it comes in within the next week or so. I headed home and set out to start painting; I was convinced that I could get the room painted today!
I moved stuff around the room, and taped the drip sheet to the base boards. I then taped around the doors and windows and took down the blinds...and the painting started! It took most of the afternoon/evening, and with a little help from my brother Jacob, I was able to get it done! The entire room is painted!! I left everything pulled away from the walls and the drip cloth down so I could look at it again tomorrow and make any needed touch ups.
I will say after doing this all day, painting is not a pregnant chicks work! I vow, that any of my family/friends that need a nursery painted when they are 7 months pregnant, I will be there and you can supervise!! It straight up kicked my ass. Up and down off the floor, up and down the ladder, it was just too much. I had to stop and rest a lot and then kept getting super hot. Ugh never again! But hey the room looks good :)
I moved stuff around the room, and taped the drip sheet to the base boards. I then taped around the doors and windows and took down the blinds...and the painting started! It took most of the afternoon/evening, and with a little help from my brother Jacob, I was able to get it done! The entire room is painted!! I left everything pulled away from the walls and the drip cloth down so I could look at it again tomorrow and make any needed touch ups.
I will say after doing this all day, painting is not a pregnant chicks work! I vow, that any of my family/friends that need a nursery painted when they are 7 months pregnant, I will be there and you can supervise!! It straight up kicked my ass. Up and down off the floor, up and down the ladder, it was just too much. I had to stop and rest a lot and then kept getting super hot. Ugh never again! But hey the room looks good :)
From the door, don't mind everything pulled into the middle of the room :) |
Monday, March 12, 2012
Nursery: Day 1
I work at the local Community College, and when the college closes my office closes as well; so that means this week I'm on Spring Break!! Woohoo! With this being the only full week I will have off until Colton is born I have a big to do list to get his room ready :) Today marked day one of the adventure...
I didn't take any 'before' pictures, but I do have a couple I have posted below after I got everything cleaned out. Today I:
I didn't take any 'before' pictures, but I do have a couple I have posted below after I got everything cleaned out. Today I:
- went through all the junk in the room
- moved the baby stuff out of the room into the extra bedroom--the travel system, crib/crib mattress, various baby things I have
- moved the Christmas decorations and tree, queen sized bed, mattress & box springs to my newly completed shed :)
From the door |
Opposite corner |
From closet doors |
Friday, March 9, 2012
Bump-Date: Week 26
Baby Size: 14-14.5"; English Hothouse Cucumber or Head of Lettuce
Baby Weight: 2-2.5 lb
This week the swelling started! My feet seem to swell almost everyday at some point...seems to be really bad when I walk to stand too long. I am still having issues sleeping, but I'm finding myself not as tired if that makes sense. I'm not sure if that means my body is use to it, or if I'm just so exhausted I don't notice anymore.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Oh how the swelling is poor ankles are now cankles and my little piggies are sausages! I hope this doesn't last too long, but secretly I realize it's only just beginning. My ankles are swollen to the point that it is uncomfortable and painful in some positions. It seems to help when I elevate my feet, and thanks to a friend a work I have a box to prop my feet on at my desk :) thanks Jackie!! I guess I'll start drinking water by the gallon and see if that helps relieve it any...goodness I hope feet look so pathetic! :P
Monday, March 5, 2012
I got the bedding for Colton's room Saturday! Originally I was planning on purchasing it from Burlington in Waco, but when I went with my mom to pick it up a couple weeks ago they didn't have it. When I asked about order it, they said it could take between 2 and 20 weeks...well I don't have 20 weeks! So I had just told myself I was going to have to pay full price for it from somewhere else, and not get to use my 20% off coupon for Burlington. Well, Saturday we went to Arlington for the PBR at Cowboy's Stadium, and I googled Burlington locations in Arlington and found one just south of the stadium. I called them up and found out they had 3 in stock!!! I ran outside and show Kyle and 'alternate' route to the stadium and asked if we could stop and pick it up, of course he said could he not?!?!? We got there, I ran inside, grabbed it off the shelf and made a V-line for the check out. I was sooooooo happy, Kyle just smiled and said whatever makes me happy :) So now I have it!'s WAYYYY cuter in person!!
Bump-Date: Week 25
Baby Size: 13.5-14"; Eggplant
Baby Weight: 1.5-2 lb
Ugh I hate to report, but the insomnia is still showing its ugly face! I have such a difficult time sleeping and when I can sleep I have a hard time staying asleep! I want to give a quick update on the status of the shed project :)
I am happy to report that Kyle is almost done with the shed! I made out a to-do list a week or so ago of everything I want to do over Spring Break; I work at a Community College so we close for a week when the students leave campus :) Everything on my list revolved around Colton's room in some way, shape, or form. A day or so after I left the list out, he started working on the shed; so I'm not sure if he saw the list and decided to start on it more, or if it's just a conscience, but I'm happy either way!
Baby Weight: 1.5-2 lb
Ugh I hate to report, but the insomnia is still showing its ugly face! I have such a difficult time sleeping and when I can sleep I have a hard time staying asleep! I want to give a quick update on the status of the shed project :)
I am happy to report that Kyle is almost done with the shed! I made out a to-do list a week or so ago of everything I want to do over Spring Break; I work at a Community College so we close for a week when the students leave campus :) Everything on my list revolved around Colton's room in some way, shape, or form. A day or so after I left the list out, he started working on the shed; so I'm not sure if he saw the list and decided to start on it more, or if it's just a conscience, but I'm happy either way!
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