Wednesday, June 15, 2011

OPKs and Sick

So I was going through a drawer in my bathroom and realized that I only have 1 OP strip left!!  So I ran to the computer and just ordered me another set!  Must admit that I love ordering from  The kit was $3.79 for 40 strips and 10 pregnancy test...I don't care so much about the pregnancy test strips...I have a ton of those!  Shipping costs more than the actual product; I love that!

So I decided a few weeks back that I wasn't going to randomly POAS anymore, and that I'm only going to POAS if I'm officially late.  For me, every time I POAS and got a negative (even if I expected it) I was still a little let down.  In the first say....4 or 5 months of trying I POAS every other day from the day I could test until AF arrived.  I haven't peed on one in almost a month now!  I did use one in April-ish, because I was feeling horrible and just wanted to rule that out--secretly hoping to rule it in really I guess.

When I ordered my first set of OPK I thought for sure I would only need one set and would use the HPTs up before my OPKs, but here I am ordering a second time.  Maybe this one will be the last set I need.  Crossing my fingers!

So I was home sick yesterday; I had a fever and felt like crap.  I did a little bit of homework (I'm working on my Masters in management) and ended up stalking blogs.  I have found that my best friend was right and it's hard to stop searching blogs once you start so I feel like that's all I do now.  Well blog stalk and stalk the boards at  My friend also turned me onto and I have a board titled 'maybe a baby wichman' where I have been 'pinning' (saving/bookmarking) all the baby stuff I like.  Everything from maternity pictures to nursery decorations!  Pinerest is awesome!  I highly recommend checking it out!  It is basically a virtual bookmark  system that allows you to save pictures that you like.  It rocks!  Thanks Dana!!  If you join follow me laura6728!

Off to bed everybody...still kind of feel like I was hit by a bus!  Night!


  1. Oh no.. hope you feel better soon! And yes.. the blog world is an AMAZING place. you will meet lots of awesome women. There are a few that I have kept in touch with and just love how they post. Very inspirational. I try my best to comment on as many as I can. =)

    I'm going to have to check out that web site! It sounds fun and addicting. hehe.

    Have a good night and hope u get to feeling better!!

  2. Oh, the blog world! I have to say I am quiet jealous that you already have random followers and haven't been doing this long! And I have, well you, you are very important, but I want more followers!!! :P
    Oh, and pinterest! You've decorated all your unborn, unconceived...well lets not say unconceived...unbeknownst to you children's rooms via pinterest! And I, I have planned my entire wedding, decorated my entire home, made my to do list for the rest of forever, planned out my unconceived (for sure) children's rooms, photo shoots, etc and basically planned out my whole life on pinterest! =] It's really very wonderful!
    No more peeing on sticks for you! And no more you "dragginggggggg" me to Zale's! :)

  3. Diana-I'm finding a ton of amazing women in the blog world; y'all are all inspirations to me!

    Dana-I don't 'drag' you to Zales so much as you're willingly at the mall with me when I happen to drop in :)
