Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mommy Goes To Work

July 16th was my first day back at work; Colton turned 6 weeks old on the 15th and I was technically only out for 5 weeks since he was born on a Sunday.  I wasn't ready to go back at all, but had to.  Kyle met me at the day care and we took him to his room together.  I was doing great until I got into the car to drive to work; I busted out in tears.  I called my sister and talked with her on my drive to work and she calmed me down.  I really didn't expect to cry, but it was so difficult to leave him here.  I fought the urge to call all morning, but broke down around lunch time and called to check on him.  They said he was doing great and was sleeping most of the time; it really made me feel a lot better to know he was doing good.  I took pictures of him with me to work and put them on my rotating background on the computer so I could see him anytime I wanted/needed.  Day 2 was a lot easier, and I only teared up...I also took my sisters advice and turned on a good song and sang along the entire way to work.  By the time the end of the week came it was easier to drop him off.  It really was a lot easier knowing he was in good hands, and once I got back into the groove at work dropping him was easy.  I still would like to stay home with him, but I know it would just make me stir crazy!

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