Thursday, July 28, 2011

Been busy

Goodness I didn't realize I haves posted in so long! The last couple of weeks have been hectic...I've been trying to finish homework for this summer semester before our trip to see Kyle's family, so not much free time! We leave tomorrow morning for 9 days in Montana! I'm ready to go; the weather is great up there now...80s not 100s!!

I am getting antsy about my appointment in a couple of weeks, but I figure it will either put me at easy or confirm issues, either way we will work with what we are given. :) I'm feeling more and more optimistic about everything, and I'm to the point now that I'm not stressing or feeling pressure to get pregnant I'm just concerned. Fingers crossed that all is well and it's just taking a while!

Well I'm out for now, got to get packing!! I will try to post while I'm gone...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Changed Appointment

So I was looking at one of the 3, yes 3, apps that I have on my phone for tracking AF, O, BT, and BD and they all said I would O on Aug 22--assuming I don't get a BFP this cycle that's starting now.  Well, August 22 is the same day I had scheduled the appointment with my OB/GYN to talk about fertility going that day could be highly inconvenient depending on the type of testing he would suggest starting with.  I called to see if they had anything else available before then, preferably the week before.  They had one open August 9th, which is day 2 of the projected AF arrival for this next cycle.  That works out great I think!  If I get a BFP this cycle he could possibly confirm then, and if I get a BFN then I will be lined up for testing during my next O cycle!  Maybe that's fate...or conscience...we shall wait and see!  Fingers crossed & tons of BD this cycle!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Good week!

I had a good week this week, hopefully everyone else can say the same. AF is still here which is annoyingly long, but oh well. My blackberry broke this week so I got a new phone. Its a DROID and so far so good ...I really like that I can blog from here :)
So I told Kyle earlier this week that this month was not our lucky month and he was a little bummed I think ...he didn't say he was but he kind of acted like it. He wanted to be able to tell his parents while we are there this month too. I did realize on Tuesday though that based on my projected O day and fertile days that I may actually be able to test while we are there and find out! That would be neat!! Fingers crossed again...
Well im out y'all...hope everyone has a good one!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Why hello AF...

So apparently AF has decided to stop in and say hello...3-4 days early this month!  I should have started Thursday, but no...AF is here on Monday instead!  Poo!  There went my happy Monday mood!  Guess my body just decided to spot for a week as an intro to her coming early!  Hating my body today!  Back to work...BLAH!

Friday, July 8, 2011

why i want this month...

So I've been extra hopeful this month because we are headed to Montana at the end of the month, and I would like to be able to tell his parents while we are there that there will be another grand baby.  We only make it up there once a year, so if we aren't this time, and get pregnant in the next couple months, we will basically go back next year with a baby.  I would just really like to go there, tell them, and bring the baby back next time; rather than go not pregnant and come back next year with a baby.  I know that's weird, but still I'd like to be able to tell them in person and not on the phone...just little things like that.  I'm 10dpo today, and I've POAS twice already, both negative, but 10dpo is only 35% accurate so I'm still hopeful.  Praying and crossing my fingers!!