Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Bump-Date #2: Week 21

Baby Size: 10.5"; Carrot
Baby Weight: 12.2oz
I'm feeling a lot better this week than I did last week.  I am still super tired, but that is to be expected when you're growing a little person on the inside and chasing a little person on the outside! Baby dos seems to be more active this week too, which is a love/hate thing.  I love to feel him moving around, don't get me wrong, but I hate when I'm at work and he starting playing kickball with my bladder!  I know it's just a phase and he will calm down, so I try to cherish the active moments and not be to irritated by the oh crap I gotta go moments :) haha!

So this morning I was taking a belly picture after I got ready for work, and Colton came in and was watching me.  When I was satisfied with one, I looked at him and he pulled his shirt up and said 'my turn momma!'  So here's that cuteness!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Bump-Date #2: Weeks 18-20

Week 18
Baby Size: 6.5"; Sweet Potato
Baby Weight: 6.7oz

Week 19
Baby Size: 6.5"; Mango
Baby Weight: 8.5oz

Week 20
Baby Size: 10"; Banana
Baby Weight: 10.5oz

I can't believe it has been so long since my last update!  The last 3 weeks had been pretty uneventful until earlier this week.  I started feeling icky, not sick, just like something wasn't right.  I happened to have my 20 week appointment today, so I was basically feeling like 'as long as I make it to Thursday all will be good.'  At my appointment today, I told my dr how I have been feeling; extremely weak, tired, no appetite, not feeling like myself, having braxton hicks and being a little disoriented.  I told my dr all of this today, and he basically said 'yep you're pregnant welcome to the 2nd half of pregnancy!'  I was like oh gee thanks! I still think something more is wrong that 'being pregnant', so I'm going keep an eye on myself and see.  He said to get more rest and drink more water.  I was like well okay I'm doing that, but still feeling crappy.  So I dunno.  My bp was up a little today, 134/78.  I talked with my nurse about it, and she said they don't get concerned until it gets to 140+.  I know that 140 is technically considered high, but 134 is high for me considering my bp is normally 115-120.  I just don't want to end up with pre-eclampsia or anything, so I'm going to do what I can to keep it low; drink more water, eat fresh foods, cut down on sodium, stop drinking soda, etc.  Hopefully that will help!  I just worry about these Texas summer's I'm going into...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ultrasound Pictures

We had our ultrasound today, and while the baby was not too cooperative we were able to tell that Colton will have a little brother!  So exciting!!

Baby Boy #2 all curled up

Check out that long leg!!

Bump-Date #2: Weeks 16 & 17

Ok sorry, I am horrible about blogging this go much to do and so little time it feels like!!

Week 16:
Baby Size: 4.5"; Avocado
Baby Weight: 3.5oz

Week 17:
Baby Size: 5.1"; Onion
Baby Weight: 5.5oz

The past two weeks have been pretty crazy at work and at home both!  I had my 16 week appointment March 27th and I got to hear the heartbeat in love with that sound!  I then got a call on Friday to say that my ultrasound would be April 1st; yes April Fool's day!  I was like awesome can't wait!!  I have been having issues with my sciatica nerve, but I had that issue with Colton as well I just wish there was so sort of relief for it!  The dr just says to relax and stay off my feet, but that there isn't much I can do for it since it's just the baby putting pressure on the nerves in my lower back; oh well that's one of the sacrifices I will make!

People tell me that I don't look like I'm showing, but I totally see it!
