Baby Weight: 12.2oz
I'm feeling a lot better this week than I did last week. I am still super tired, but that is to be expected when you're growing a little person on the inside and chasing a little person on the outside! Baby dos seems to be more active this week too, which is a love/hate thing. I love to feel him moving around, don't get me wrong, but I hate when I'm at work and he starting playing kickball with my bladder! I know it's just a phase and he will calm down, so I try to cherish the active moments and not be to irritated by the oh crap I gotta go moments :) haha!
So this morning I was taking a belly picture after I got ready for work, and Colton came in and was watching me. When I was satisfied with one, I looked at him and he pulled his shirt up and said 'my turn momma!' So here's that cuteness!