Tomorrow is the big day...hopefully...that we find out whether the bambino is a boy or girl! I am soooo ready to find out; I hate referring to the baby as 'it', 'he', 'she', 'kid' or whatever. I feel bad saying boy because what if it's a girl, or vice versa...then I feel bad calling it well...'it'. That just sounds so cold and lifeless, and this is joyous.
I have been dreaming, literally, about this day for a couple weeks now. In some of the dreams we find out it's a boy or girl, in one there were twins in there, in another the baby had it's hands over it's parts like 'haha you can't see me!!' That last one is my all time favorite though! :) Hopefully we call tell, but if not, as long as everything else checks out that's all that really matters!
In less than 24 hours we will hopefully know!!
How exciting! I can wait to hear what your having! Good luck tomorrow!