Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bump-Date: Week 18

Baby Size: 6.5"; Sweet Potato
Baby Weight: 6.7oz
This week the baby has become super active and I feel it moving throughout the day.  Earlier in the week I woke up somewhere around 2am and wasn't able to go back to sleep.  So I was laying there with my hand on my belly, and was able to actually feel the baby kicking/moving!  I thought it was the neatest thing ever!  I had all I could not to wake Kyle up, but I knew he was sleepy the day before, so I didn't want to bother him.  I guess since I'm not very big, that that's the reason I can only feel the baby moving when I lay down.  I love the feeling!

This week I had issues falling alseep, staying asleep, and getting comfortable.  I have a body pillow I keep in another bedroom, so I went and got that his week and it seemed to work wonders.  I was able to put it where I needed more support or extra whatever, and was able to fall right asleep...I think I have fallen in love :) haha!  I also started a list this week of stuff to register for; I didn't realize how much stuff we really needed until I started making a's need a lot of stuff!  This week I have also had issues with gas/bloating in my stomach after I eat some meals.  It was rather painful some days, but I found that soda helps to relieve the pain and make the bloating go down; I guess I'll keep soda close!

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